Lynton’s Inbound Marketing Blog - HubSpot Experts

How Users can Boost Marketing with HubSpot and Wix

Written by Kelly Groover | 05/12/2021

Have you built your website on Wix and want to use the power of HubSpot without migrating your site? With SyncSmart’s HubSpot Wix app, you can connect the two systems to use the best qualities of both, amplifying your marketing efforts.

Keep reading for a quick overview of how the app works and ways to take advantage of its features.

How Does Wix Integrate with HubSpot?

Worried you may have to spend extra hours putting HubSpot tracking code across all your Wix webpages? You won’t. The app automatically installs this code on every individual page of your Wix website. All you have to do is download the app and go through the simple set-up guide.

What Data Syncs Between the Two?

The simple answer to this question? The data your marketing team needs for solid campaigns. Here’s how that logic flows:

  1. Wix Contacts push to HubSpot Contacts
  2. Wix Form Submissions push to HubSpot Contacts
  3. HubSpot Tracking Code pushes to Wix Site Templates

A few important things to note about this sync:

  • All the information from a contact in Wix will move over exactly to HubSpot
  • If a user has never visited your Wix site before and submits a form, the app will save them as a new contact in HubSpot.

What Can You Do When the App is Running?

Once the app is installed, your marketing team can get to work by:

Segmenting Your Lists

With the Wix app, every time a contact submits a Wix form on your site, all the details from that form submission are saved to a corresponding HubSpot contact. If your Wix form has a field for a job role, you can make a list based on that. If it has a field for location, make a list for that! No matter what your form has, you’ll be able to take that information, use it in HubSpot, and market to leads more effectively through email. 

Triggering Lead Nurtures 

Like segmenting lists, you can use the information someone fills out in your Wix form to trigger a HubSpot workflow. For example, suppose a user fills out a form on your Wix site to download a premium piece of content. In that case, you can start a workflow that begins by providing the download then offering additional content in subsequent emails.

Updating Your Website

As noted, the app installs the HubSpot tracking code to every page of your Wix website. That allows you to tap into HubSpot’s reporting to view your site traffic and other analytics. Naturally, this information is helpful in multiple ways. For instance, you can:

  • Work on improving organic traffic by refining your SEO strategy
  • Test different CTAs on pages with low conversion rates
  • Make efforts to enhance copy or design for pages with high bounce rates
  • Eliminate old blogs or re-write content for poor-performing articles or premium content
  • Build our smart content to see if that improves conversion rates (and use the segmentation the Wix app also offers you)
  • Look for any ways to improve your site’s performance!

Get Started

If you’re using Wix and HubSpot disparately, we hope we’ve made a case for downloading the Wix app. If you’re hesitant at all, let us know! We can discuss more ways you can use the app and why it’s beneficial. Just drop us a line here or check out more about the app on our site.