Lynton’s Inbound Marketing Blog - HubSpot Experts

Improve Your Memory with this Font - Inbound Marketing Highlights

Written by Lynton | 10/21/2018

This week in Inbound Marketing highlights, we're discussing a font that improves memory, Facebook for TV, an Amazon scandal, and much more! Keep reading for the latest in industry news, tips, and trends.

Photo Credit: The Washington Post

Improve Your Memory with this Font

If your memory is as bad as mine, you’ll want to try reading with the Sans Forgetica font. This font has been specifically designed to improve memory and is scientifically proven to be effective. Psychology and design researchers worked together to develop this font based on a theory called “desirable difficulty”. This theory means that people are more likely to remember things when they have to overcome minor hurdles. The idea is that the font is difficult enough to read that the reader concentrates, while being not difficult enough to make the reader want to quit.

“It should be difficult to read but not too difficult. In demanding this additional act, memory is more likely to be triggered.”

Not only is it proven to be beneficial, but it also serves as a fun puzzle! If you’re wondering what it looks like, the font is a sleek, back-slanted, has tiny gaps in each letter. See the image above.

Is Amazon Rigging Reviews?

Bad news for Amazon merchants! Although this platform is believed to be one of the most-trustworthy online retailers, it’s been proven recently to have a shady side. Their own label products are being given an unfair advantage over third-party marketplace items. This news has been brought to light from sellers as well as review watchdogs. So how exactly are they rigging the system? The program they use for reviews, called Vine, apparently is distributing free products in exchange for good reviews. This puts a middleman between retailers and reviewers, incentivizing consumers to rate their own products very highly, even if it's not deserved. With Prime memberships falling this year, Amazon may want to rethink this controversial practice.

5 Instagram Tips for 2019

Have you started prepping your 2019 social media strategy yet? If so, you’re going to want to focus on Instagram, one of the most powerful marketing channels of this day and age. Not only is it great from an advertising standpoint, but it’s also perfect for building relationships with customers and driving engagement. In fact, its proven to get 23% more engagement than it’s sister platform, Facebook. Because of these statistics, it’s important for your brand to stay relevant in the mix. Here are 5 trends that we’ll likely all see next year:

1.) IGTV: upload and share long-form, vertical videos. Some say it’s the new YouTube!

2.) The rise of micro-brands: Instagram’s algorithm actually favors micro-brand marketing. This is normally because these brands are better at interaction and story-telling then some of the big names.

3.) Stories ads: Create stories that are aesthetically pleasing, but also high-converting! These often lead to high ROI.

4.) Drive ecommerce sales with shoppable posts: users are able to click a shopping bag icon to access product details within the Instagram app. After viewing they have the option to view the product on its ecommerce website.

5.) Engagement features: hold polls, ask questions, and utilize the emoji slider to get fans engaged in your content!

See Also: Instagram Mistakes You May Not Even Know You're Making

Facebook Moves into TV

Speaking of social media, Facebook is hoping to get into the television technology business. According to sources, they are developing TV hardware, which is internally being called “Ripley”. The project is essentially a camera-equipped device that will sit on top of your tv and can be used for video calling. Although they've made progress with this new hardware, it won’t be publically announced however until spring 2019. Along with the ability to video chat, they're hoping it can become like Apple TV, ROKU, and Amazon fire stick down the road. Is this something you would want to try?

New Software Matches Athletes with Endorsement Deals

It’s no secret that professional athletes make a good chunk of their wealth from endorsement deals. But how do athletes get matched with their respective brands? A new research firm called Fizziology is hoping to improve this process, not only making it easier for brands to find athletes, but they’re also hoping to ensure that each partnership is a really good fit.

Their software is essentially the first to match brand-to-celebrity using automated linguistic analysis. Fizziology will not only analyze the social media posts of the celebrity, but it’ll also analyze the social posts of the brand’s followers. By analyzing the brand’s fans, they are able to determine personality traits, which will be assigned to the brand. After this evaluation, each brand will be matched with an extremely well-suited athlete partner. This new process is sure to streamline things for marketing professionals and agents!

That's this week in Inbound Marketing Highlights, stop by next Sunday for more!