Not so fast kimosabe. The client's sales team was frozen like a deer in headlights. Stunned. Shellshocked. Staggered. Stupefied. It's like we were the Mike Tyson of inbound leads. And they were some amateur welterweight sheepishly somehow chosen to be in the ring with Mike Tyson.
"What in the world are we supposed to do with this influx of marketing qualified leads..." they mused.
It's a valid question. And for many marketing agencies the buck stops with the marketing - naturally. Fortunately, in our case, we were able to offer our client support and expertise from Frank Belzer, one of our go-to inbound marketing sales gurus.
Success scenarios like these, when inbound marketing is done properly, are not uncommon. So what's a sales team to do? There's no simple answer of course - a full paradigm shift is required if you've previously invested in a classic 'hunter-gatherer' sales team. If you're considering an inbound marketing model - be sure to consider the inbound marketing methodology holistically. As a start, here are some things you might want your sales team to do.
So, like I said, these are good places to start. You don't want your sales team see 1,000 leads come in and (after soiling themselves) think they have to call each one of them that day. It's a nice problem to have (not the soiling themselves part - the leads part). And if you approach the leads methodically and strategically you'll likely be able to close some solid deals.
Photo Credit: demandaj via Compfight cc