Do you currently use white papers, eBooks, or infographics to generate leads? According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2019 Benchmarks for Content Marketing Report, 55% of B2B companies create white papers, 51% write eBooks, and 67% design infographics as a part of their content strategy.
Not convinced you should add them to your marketing mix? Well, consider several advantages they offer: They are perfect top-funnel content, have a longer shelf life than other content, and establish your credibility as a thought leader or designer. But even with that in mind, you have to make sure people can find them, and that calls for healthy SEO habits.
Keep reading to see the differences between the three offerings and tricks you can use to optimize them for SEO.
Generally, eBooks are longer (15 – 200 pages) and focus on introducing the reader to a problem (one your company solves ideally), while white papers are shorter (2 – 10 pages) and more industry-related or technical.
Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly and can be used for a variety of campaigns. eBooks can be more design-heavy and incorporate visuals like an infographic, while white papers are more content-focused.
When creating any content, there are a few aspects to consider, such as your target audience, the visual design, and the distribution avenues. As noted, another crucial consideration is optimizing this content to maximize SEO performance.
With these 11 SEO-tactics, savvy marketers (like yourself!) can increase the reach your content has with potential clients and customers. The better the reach, the more opportunity for attracting qualified leads to your company.
Sometimes SEO gets overlooked with all the energy being placed on actually creating your content; however, if you take into account optimizing the material beforehand, you’ll increase its reach to potential clients. For more help, reach out today!